Current writing projects
- Saunders, D. & Janzen, T. (In preparation). Signed Languages. In J. Bruhn de Garavito et J. Schwieter (Eds.), Introducing linguistics: Theoretical and applied approaches (2nd Ed.), Cambridge University Press.
- Saunders, D. (In preparation). Body Partitioning 2.0: A case of mouth actions in Quebec Sign Language.
- Saunders, D. (In preparation). Morphological and pragmatic mouth actions in Quebec Sign Language [working title].
- Saunders, D. (In preparation). Morphological and pragmatic mouth actions in signed language grammar?: A proposal within the Cognitive Grammar framework [working title].
- Saunders, D. (2024). Conventionalité du geste et du signe linguistique : Le cas des comportements de la bouche en langue des signes québécoise. (Conventionality of gesture and linguistic sign: The case of mouth actions in LSQ.) Doctoral dissertation. Université du Québec à Montréal. Ph.D in Linguistics.
- Saunders, D. & Parisot, A.-M. (2023). Insights on the use of narrative perspectives in signed and spoken discourse in Quebec Sign Language, American Sign Language and Quebec French. In T. Janzen et B. Shaffer (Eds.), Signed Language and Gesture Research in Cognitive Linguistics, Berlin: De Gruyter. 243-272.
- Parisot, A.-M. et Saunders, D. (2022). Character perspective shift sequences and embodiment markers in signed and spoken discourse. Languages in Contrast, 22(2), 259-289.
- Leduc, V., Saunders, D., Youssouf, H. & Witcher, P. (2021). Nos mains qui vibrant – Un texte à huit mains sur une recherche-création en musiques sourdes (Our hands which vibrate – An eight-handed text on research- creation in deaf music), Revue Canadienne d’études sur le handicap, 10(2), 93-120.
- Parisot, A.-M. & Saunders, D. (2019). La représentation corporelle dans le discours signé (Enactments in signed discourse), Lidil : Revue de linguistique et de didactique des langues, 60.
- Saunders, D. (2018). La langue des signes n’est pas une pantomime ! (Signed language is not a mime!) In special issue: S’ouvrir à la culture sourde (Opening up to Deaf Culture), Relations, (797), 21-22.
- Saunders, D. (2017). Rapporter directement en langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) chez les locuteurs sourds natifs et non natifs (Direct reporting in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) amongst native and non-native Deaf signers), ScriptUM : la revue du colloque VocUM, 2, 41-58.
- Saunders, D. (2016). Description des structures de représentation corporelle en langue des signes québécoise chez des locuteurs sourds langue première et langue seconde. (Description of enactment structures in LSQ amongst first language and second language deaf signers). Masters thesis. Université du Québec à Montréal. Masters in Linguistics.
- Parisot, A.-M. & Saunders, D. (2016). L’interprétation visuelle : deux têtes pour un chapeau (Visual interpretation: two heads for one hat). Entendre, 12-13.
- Parisot, A.-M., Luna, S. & Saunders, D. (2015). Ability to manipulate phonological movement in production tasks in Quebec Sign Language, Conference Proceedings of the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf – Athens.
Invited talks
- Saunders, D. (2023). Qu’est-ce que fait la bouche ? : Une analyse des comportements morphologiques et pragmatiques de la bouche en LSQ. [What is the mouth doing?: An analysis of morphological and pragmatic mouth actions in LSQ.] Talk invited in ‘Séminaire interuniversitaire sur les langues des signes’ event organized by Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality at the Université de Namur, Belgium.
- Parisot, A.-M. & Saunders, D. (2018). Gestes et grammaire : Réflexion sur l’utilisation de l’espace par trois groupes de signeurs LSQ. [Gestures and grammar : A reflection on the use of space by three groups of LSQ signers.] Talk invited in ‘Point de vue et multimodalité’ event organized by Namur Institute of Language, Text and Transmediality at the Université de Namur, Belgium.
- Saunders, D. (2018). La structure de représentation corporelle comme élément grammatical dans les langues des signes. [Enactment structure as grammatical element in signed languages.] Talk invited in ‘Changements de perspective et mise en corps : Regards croisés en linguistique des langues des signes, multimodalité, art et cognition’ event organized by UMR de Structure formelle du langage at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris 8, France.
Conference Papers
- Saunders, D. (2024). Body Partitioning 2.0: A case of mouth actions in Quebec Sign Language. Paper presented at High Desert Linguistic Society 16, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
- Saunders, D. (2023). Mouth actions and blended spaces in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ). Paper presented at 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Saunders, D. (2023). Stance-taking mouth actions in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ). Paper presented at 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Parisot, A.-M. & Saunders, D. (2018). Perspective shift and embodiment markers in signed and spoken discourses. Paper presented at 8th Congress of International Society for Gesture Studies, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Saunders, D. (2018). Reflections on the integration of gestural and linguistic elements in enactment structures.Paper presented at 8th Congress of International Society for Gesture Studies, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Morris, M., Saunders, D. & Iantaffi, A. (2017). Intersectional and intermodal: Making sexual health information accessible to LGBTQ+ Deaf people. Paper presented at World Library and Information Congress, Wrocław, Poland.
- Saunders, D. (2017). Frequency of enactments and its functions in various discourse types of Quebec Sign Language (LSQ). Paper presented at 8th International Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Benoit, C. & Saunders, D. (2017). Are Deaf Academics’ Successes a Game of Sheer Luck? Exploring Social Responsibilities Within the International Deaf Academia Network. Paper presented at 8th International Deaf Academics and Researchers Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Saunders, D., Turgeon, M. et Dubé, E. (2016). Les besoins de la communication ne sont pas universels : comment pouvons-nous faciliter l’accès pour les personnes sourdes dans le domaine de la santé ? (The communication needs are not universal: how can we facilitate access for Deaf people in Health sector?) Paper presented at Language and Health: Ethical and Policy Issues Conference, Montréal.
- Saunders, D. (2015). Rapporter directement en LSQ chez les locuteurs sourds natifs et non natifs. (Direct reporting in Quebec Sign Language amongst native and non-native Deaf signers.) Paper presented au VocUM : 2e colloque multidisciplinaire sur le langage, Montréal.
- Parisot, A.-M., Luna, S. & Saunders, D. (2015). Ability to manipulate phonological movement in production tasks in Quebec Sign Language. Paper presented at International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Athens, Greece.
- Saunders, D. (2015). Le discours direct en LSQ : un élément essentiel pour l’enseignement de la LSQ ? (Reported discourse in Quebec Sign Language: an essential element for LSQ teaching?) Paper presented at Colloque sur l’études sourdes dans la francophonie: assises, enjeux et perspectives, in 83e Congrès de l’Acfas, Rimouski, Québec.
- Parisot, A.-M., Luna, S. & Saunders, D. (2014). Capacité à manipuler l’unité dynamique dans la phonologie de la langue des signes québécoise: Analyse comparée des taux de réussite à des tâches de perception et de production. (Capacity to manipulate dynamic unit in Quebec Sign Language phonology: comparative analysis of success rates in perception and production tasks). Paper presented at 82e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir, Montréal, Québec.
- Parisot, A.-M., Saunders, D. & Szymoniak, K. (2013). Body shift and head tilt in three sign languages: American Sign Language, French Sign Language and Quebec Sign Language. Paper presented at 11th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, London, UK.
Conference Posters
- Saunders, D. (2022). An analysis of adverbial and stance-taking mouth actions within and outside of enactments in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ). Poster presented at Sign Café 2, Ragusa, Italy.
- Saunders, D. & Parisot, A.-M. (2016). Constructed Action in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) amongst Deaf first language and second language users. Poster presented at 12th Conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Melbourne, Australia.
- Parisot, A.-M., Luna, S. & Saunders, D. (2015). Analysis of phonological and morphological movement errors of deaf children in LSQ tasks. Poster presented at 2nd International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Parisot, A.-M., Saunders, D. & Szymoniak, K. (2014). Non manual component of sign languages and co-verbal of a spoken language: a descriptive account of Head and Body movements. Poster presented at 6th Congress of International Society of Gesture Studies, San Diego, USA.